Monday, October 3, 2011

Scar Photos - Paulina K

 These are raw images; they need a lot of work.

The idea is that the first image is a base for the collage.
The other images, I will cut out the part with the hand, the part that is acting upon me. I will do that either on photoshop or by hand, and I will paste them over the basic image, creating a sort of creepy collage.

The text I will be using is:

Beauty if pain. Pain is gain.

I'm probably going to edit out the doors, unless that becomes too confusing and time consuming.

I'm thinking of doing this by hand, actually printing and cutting and pasting them, to create a sort of ragged look, but I'm not sure yet if it wouldn't just be better to photoshop it.

It will probably look like I have more hands and feet than normal, and I kind of like that idea. Just in time for Halloween.

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