Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gina's Photos - Hair

This is a picture of me taken when I was 9-years-old, in 3rd grade.  I chose to take a picture of the picture, off-center, in black and white color style.

I had the idea to take a picture of myself in the present (with straightened hair) looking down at the picture of myself (with curly, frizzy hair) as a way to remember -- whatever those memories may be.

I thought I would add a picture of myself in the present, just to create an option for the development of my project.  (For some reason, I was not able to rotate it; this angle is not deliberate.)

Finally, I have a picture of my 3rd grade photograph taken in color, horizontally, and with the flash covering my face.  This was intentional; in the near future, I hope to get an even better shot with a bigger flash mark.
*Note*: I may choose another photo of myself as a child in which my hair looks even more evident of how I explained it in class (because I kid you not, it was AWFUL).  I may also choose to take a picture of myself now with curly hair -- it's still a work in progress.

~ Gina Marroquin

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