Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Scar Photos

I used a black light and a highlighter to make my scar stand out and give the pictures a very different type of lighting. I think the use of highlighter changes the way the pictures are interpreted and give a completely different dimension to them.  The first picture shows the scar but very lightly with the orange.  If I choose to do a collage this pictures will tell a story about my anger towards having a scar on my face.

This second picture my realization that the scar is definitely there, and there is nothing I can do about it.

This is where I come to accept my scar and show it off to everyone .

If I emulate Duane Michals I will focus on the story and make it a series.
If I chose to emulate Barbara Kruger I will use the last picture with text such as "X marks the spot"

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