Thursday, September 15, 2011

Truism - 9/15 Response

If I can be completely honest I have to say I don't really understand the truisms we had to read or its relation to art/this course. I am not a huge fan of truisms since, by their very definition they are self-evident. This is even more ironic when we consider one of the truisms listed on the website: “everything interesting is new”. If a truism is self-evident, it is likely that we already know it and it is therefore not new. To emphasize this point even more, let’s look at this example from the truism website: “politics is used for personal gain”. Seriously? These types of phrases are unhelpful and seem pretty useless.

None of this, however, is meant to mean that all of these truisms are equally useless. The truism “private property created crime” is not only correct, but a fact that little people really reflect upon. Eighty four percent of people in our criminal justice system are there for a non-violent (i.e. property) crime. Considering the millions of Americans currently incarcerated, this seems pretty absurd.

Another truism that I liked was the one about revolution starting with a change in the individual. This seems very similar to Gandhi’s famous quote about being the change that you wish to see in the world. Some of the truisms on the website seem to be contradictory, and I’m sort of confused as to why. For example, one of the truisms is “sex differences are here to stay” whereas another is “raise boys and girls the same”. If sex differences are here to stay, then doesn’t it make sense that boys would be raised differently than girls?

I found this image on Google and chose it because it's kind of ironic and isn't a "thing". For example, the art is apart of the environment, the artist didn't make a separate "thing" to say that the best things in life aren't really things.


  1. I is great that you tried to argue the sentences that we were presented with. I did not look so closely into them and I guess they did not have such an effect on me. Additionally, your reason for selecting an image is very creative and seems like you put a lot of thought into it.

  2. I think the topic of crime you discussed is very important. It is often depicted in art and many people do not fully understand what is being expressed. People are not aware of how much crime has become a business. This is a problem in society which I don't think people realize. It is very good that art causes people to think about problems like crime and punishment.
