Monday, September 19, 2011

Hannah Hoch Response - PK

The first thing that stood out to me was the mention of how Hannah was not recognized for her work during her life and she is not after her death. We hear about it all the time how artists don’t become stars until after their death and that’s really sad. Why don’t we, as a society, recognize fantastic art while it is happening? It makes me think that maybe while it’s happening it is too much for us to accept, we shut it down, but after we have some time to get used to it we finally realize that this is really something special and we see it for what it is, not disregarding it because it’s new or rebellious. In this case, it is very much because she was a woman, working amongst the ranks of famous men, who looked down at her, nevertheless, she managed to shine, better late than never.

It kind of makes me glad to read that she “distanced herself […] from her male colleagues.” She supported the meetings by providing the provisions, she was one to invent photomontage and she was still seen as lesser by men because of her gender. 

Hoch is inspiring. She is a woman creating in a man’s world, who manages to out do them and create works of art that inspire even those who think less of her. She is innovative in the field of photomontage and is bold to create works that bend the gender stereotype. Her use of women in the pictures is something that wasn’t done much and she went there and created a name for herself.

This picture stands out to me because it’s very feminine. The bodies, the hand, jewelry and even the fan and the picture frame are all very feminine and different from the work the men of the time have been doing.

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