Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Glenn Ligon

Glenn Ligon is a very interesting artist to me because he seems like a very interesting person. His artwork is extraordinary and makes me want to see more. I really like the idea of “negro sunshine” shown right by Prada and Gucci.  I think it is amazing that the President of the United States and his wife have a piece of his artwork in the Whitehouse.  His artwork means a lot to many people of different backgrounds.  He deals with “outsiderness” which can applies to all of the diverse people living in our world. I think it is even more extraordinary how much artwork is based off of text, and yet he has only one small bookshelf. He uses text as art which many people may not consider art.  He shows how little he cares about what others consider art.  Even when his teacher said he can read abstract paintings but not his he knew that people will have to learn to read his art.  I also like that he is not afraid to be blatant in his artwork.  He is not afraid to state his message similar to Duane Michals. 
I think that if they were to meet that they would be very compatible people.  If they did some sort of collaboration it would have a great outcome.  I would also love to hear the kinds of conversations they would have about each other’s artwork. That is why I chose another piece of Michals. This is titled Cavafy Cheats Playing Strip Poker. I would be curious as to what Ligon would have to say about this and many of Michals other artwork.


  1. I agree with what you have to say about liking his art because of his background. He just comes off as a really interesting human being, which makes you like his work more. It kind leads to the next obvious question: Can you like someone's art if the artist is a bad person?? It's something to think about.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I definitively think I can like artwork by someone who is a bad person. Even Adolf Hitler's artwork was auctioned off to different people and total was $120,000.

    Think about that.

  4. I think the piece you posted is hilarious. Having taken place in a games of strip card games (with limits!), this just brings me back to some good memories with friends. I realize that's probably not too insightful, but I just liked the piece.
