Thursday, September 22, 2011

Duane Michals Response

Reading the explanations of Duane Michals was pretty interesting as he has a gift for digging for meaning in some very unusual works of art. Browsing through images discussed I would have predicted that it was an article about process of fading and layering images but it turned out to be more informative than that. While he gave very good explanations behind the works and gave descriptions of messages the artist was trying to convey I still think that this is more of a creativity question and maybe even based on emotion drawn from the viewer. That said, we all know that most likely than not the artist had a purpose for creating their piece of work. I think that most will also agree that the audiences also have their own interpretations of the things they hear, experience and/or see and they may be different from what was originally intended.

I am also finding out how many different techniques are present in a piece of work like this that are not there just for the look of it. They all represent a part of the story and the whole work often stands for history. Thinking about this leads me to realize how much is put into a work of art. The saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words” cannot be more true. Though most of the time I look at something I judge it by whether it is attractive to me or not, but artists do pursue their careers as recorders of everyday things around us and serve as messengers to the future.

I am including a work done by david hockney. I like the piece and find it appealing.


  1. I really love the photo that you chose to post. I love David Hockney after recreating a mural that he painted for my senior year humanities project. It's a really interesting piece that shows how layering of photographs can create a really dynamic piece.

  2. I really enjoy the David Hockney piece that you chose. I do not know much about him as an artist, but based on the piece you selected he seems like a really interesting artist. In the piece you selected, I like his use of depth because it feels as if you can walk through the wall he has painted it on.

  3. I really like the photo you chose also. The trees add a very interesting dynamic to the photo. As Ashton said i like the use of depth. It is interesting how the depth interacts with the tree which look like they are floating.
