Thursday, September 15, 2011

Manuel Mandujano: Jenny Holtzer Response

Jenny Holtzer’s Truisms is a style I have never been introduced to until now. To be quite honest, it isn’t art compared to what I thought art was before our first readings in class. After having learned a little more about art and expanding my definition of it, I see Jenny Holtzer’s Truisms as a particularly moving style of art. Now, one does not have to agree with every statement Holtzer makes, but should simply think on it. Like a painting, picture, or any other form of art, Truisms is meant to be interpreted and assigned meaning by its viewers. Being said, a few of the statements Holzer made that I found interesting are:
“at times inactivity is preferable to mindless functioning”, “dreaming while awake is a frightening contradiction”, “potential counts for nothing until it’s realized”. These three statements can all carry different meanings and interpretations. Is Holzer speaking of specific events in history when it would be better if someone did nothing as opposed to acting without thinking? I find the day dreaming statement to be humorous in nature. The third statement encourages people to get out of their comfort zone and show the world what their made of, to reveal their potential. Whether viewers can choose to see Jenny Holtzer’s Truisms as meaningful art or endless ramblings, if they truly look over what she might be saying, they will have a lot to think about.

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